Words & art
from my soul to yours
Welcome to my Art Barn, my friend!
We’ve transformed a 150-year-old sheep shearing barn in rural Sonoma County, California, into my art studio. I call it the Art Barn. It’s a place of refuge, who’s only purpose is to be a safe space for holding the joy of creativity and artistic experimentation.
I love to make things in general, but I really love to paint and to write poetry. I also love sharing techniques and methods I’ve learned, helping others to remember their own creative souls. Art and soul are infused in everything I create, and everything I teach. We find healing when we extract our essence through creative pursuits.
Sharing my paintings, my poems, and my practices with the world are my greatest joys.
Current offerings

About Me
So who am I? I’m just a person who’s a work in progress, just like you. Artist, poet, architect, wife, mother, grandmother, singer, animal lover and nature lover are just some of my labels. Life is fascinating and bumpy, with successes and mistakes and lessons learned — some forgotten and re-learned over and over.
I paint with words, and I write in color. I play with all of it, and I encourage others to do the same. I create poems of hope and freedom. Words of love, of truth………and of reckoning. The myriad emotional truths that we all feel, and are often unable to express or understand. My art celebrates beauty and the joy of uplifting colors and harmonies. Through all my creations, I am constructing comfort for myself, and hopefully for others.
If there is nothing else that I accomplish in my life, let it be this: to express in my art that we are all struggling souls on a journey, that we have infinitely more in common with each other than we have differences, and that loving every soul—starting with our own—is the path to joy and world peace.
lisa palmer