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June 21-23, 2024

in Duncans Mills, California

Sold out!


If you are interested in coming to another Soul Restoration retreat here with me, please let me know through the CONTACT page, and I just might do another one in the fall.

Come be immersed in a 3-day retreat, a love bubble of restoration, exploration and acceptance!  I will be teaching the complete © SOUL RESTORATION course, along with some of my VISIONS OF BLISS curriculum.  It’s a wonderfully full 3 days of profound rest and reminders and truth and wonder.  This life is for living!  I want everyone to learn these concepts, to restore back inside to who they really are meant to be.  I have taught SOUL RESTORATION to hundreds of women and I witness a zillion miracles every time.  These are 3 life-enhancing days you will never forget!  Let me help you learn skills and techniques to lift yourself into the fullness of ALL you are meant to be.  It is already inside of you.

SOUL RESTORATION was created by the incredible love warrior Melody Freebird Ross, and is the flagship of the internationally-renowned Soul Road Academy.  This course changed my life – as it has thousands of others – when I first took it 14 years ago.  In fact, I measure my life as before SOUL RESTORATION vs. after SOUL RESTORATION.  Yes, it changed my life in so many extraordinary ways, and I know it will be the same for you. To restore your life, your personal power and your soul….you’ve got to dig in and find the roots of the lies you believe about yourself.  Then you tell them the truth.  SOUL RESTORATION takes you through a revolutionary process that doesn’t change you, but restores you back to who you have always been.  Under all that’s happened to you, and all that you’ve believed about yourself……your original, magnificent self is still there.

What happens when you believe lies about yourself?  Well, you live a life trying to make up for things that were never true about you. You try to pay debts that never existed. You hold yourself back, you allow others to mistreat you, you miss out on the life that was always meant for you.  Often, you just feel stuck, hopeless, invisible.  You forget who you are, and why you are unique and important and necessary.  It is possible to make a lasting transformation and  restore your soul back to your most authentic self.  Let me share with you these tools that you can use for the rest of your life.

Are you dancing the limbo between “duty” and resentment?  Does bitterness creep in when you don’t expect it?  Does burnout feel like your lot in life?  Friend, these are a clue.  A clue telling you that yes, you do matter, your needs matter, your rest and your joy and your peace matter.  You cannot be the super mom/spouse/daughter/friend/etc. that you aspire to be if these feelings plague you.  You are fooling no one.  After a lifetime of obligations, of weariness, of really rough times, of I-can-take-care-of-myself-later, you might be telling yourself all sorts of reasons why you can’t or don’t deserve to do this for yourself.  If that rings true, all I can say is:  welcome to the lies that are holding you down.  SOUL RESTORATION will improve your life and everyone else whose life you touch, and your only regret will be that you didn’t dive into this work sooner.  You are worth it.  Those obligations will still be there, but you will be feeling different, invigorated and full of real love, love for yourself and for everything in your world.  Your renewed sense of what’s important and what’s good will emanate from you.  You are worth it.  All you need to bring with you to SOUL RESTORATION is an open heart and an open mind.

I honestly believe this is the answer to world peace!!!

Through exercises and writing and easy art projects, I will be guiding you through unwinding anxiety and doubts about yourself.  Going through this course within a safe, small group of women will help you practice critical boundaries which you might not even be aware you need – most people don’t!  I teach these tools because they woke me up to who I really am, that I have a purpose in this life, other than being someone else’s mom/wife/employee/partner/pressure relief valve/daughter/caretaker/supporter/worker/you-name-it.  Though I remain all those things and more, it is now from a place of agency and spirit.  It is the difference between stagnation and true joy.  And after over 30 years of putting my freest creative soul on the back burner, I started painting again after I took this course.  I am happier, kinder, more at ease, much less worried, more productive, and at a deep peace.  I honor my compassion with action instead of talk.  I have worked very hard on understanding and practicing good boundaries, with amazing results.  I have learned what forgiveness really means, toward others, and most importantly to myself.  I see the beauty in every thing and every person.  My love has no limits, continuing to expand, like the universe.  I now write poetry, and I sing, and I paint up a storm, and I speak up, and I teach, and I continue to explore new avenues of creativity — it all started when I was awakened by SOUL RESTORATION.  I want this freedom for you too, friend.  I really do.

As an addition to this course, I will be guiding you through my VISIONS OF BLISS.  Here is where you’ll explore what really lights up your soul, now that you have learned important ways to restore it.  It’s all about curiosity about your fascinating self, practicing discernment, and creating strong personal visions you can take with you to inspire you as you move forward in life.  It’s fun and I can’t wait to do this with you!

If you have done SOUL RESTORATION in the past, you know what I am talking about.  And I would encourage you to take it again, as a refresher, a sort of 2.0, because lots has happened in the past 4 years.  Life continues to throw up challenges and unexpected experiences.  Restoration is an ongoing process, and it’s easy to slip back into old habits and beliefs as time goes on.  I revisit this process every year, and it gets better and deeper every time.

This retreat is held over 3 consecutive days, Friday, June 21 – Sunday, June 23, from 9am-5pm, here in my Art Barn at our beautiful ranch along the Russian River in Duncans Mills, California.

What’s included:

  • A fully guided 3 days of lessons, exercises, visualizations, easy soulful art projects, and so much more
  • All course materials, including the awesome workbook, journals, prompts and special projects
  • A special tote bag, embellished by me, made specially for you
  • All art materials and supplies
  • Handmade goodies and special gifts from me to you
  • Delicious snacks and lunches
  • Special time outside in nature, walking the land – and great photo opportunities!
  • Relax when you want in my cozy lounge……and did I mention a campfire???

*Not included:  transportation, lodging, breakfasts and dinners.  The Sonoma County Airport (STS) is 40 minutes away.  San Francisco (SFO) and Oakland (OAK) are both about 1 hour 45 minutes away, and there is a great shuttle service (Sonoma Express) that can take you from SFO & OAK to STS, where you can pick up a rental car.  Duncans Mills is in the heart of the Russian River vacation area, with lots of airbnb’s, lodges and inns.

More details will be sent to you once you sign up.  Space is limited, and registration closes on June 10, 2024.  Please don’t hesitate to CONTACT ME with any questions you may have!!!

It’s time to BE YOU. It’s time to live YOUR TRUE LIFE.
It’s time to restore.