
SISTERING. In my journey with this blog, no post has come even close to getting the knowing, positive reactions and shares that his one produced.  SISTERING. It’s a concept and a dream that is long overdue.  I am sistered by so many, and I do my best to sister others.  And so today I am re-publishing this post from October 23, 2013.  Because it continues to spread it’s message around the world, and it is A MESSAGE THAT IS NEEDED NOW MORE THAN EVER.  It is all about LOVE. We are in this TOGETHER.  I hope this helps…………………………….


October 23, 2013

 There’s an old-fashioned term used in wood building construction called SISTERING.  I’ve always found it to be an interesting term, especially in this predominantly male-centric endeavor, the world of building structures.  It means to repair weak floor joists by attaching new joists right along side, to provide the extra support the older joist needs.

The older joist is not removed and discarded, it has support added by its sister joist. So the two become stronger than one.  They help each other.  The new one doesn’t have to take on the whole burden alone.  It is considered an economical and efficient way to repair sagging or weakened joists.  Well smack me upside the head, what a metaphor is that?????  As a woman in this business for over 30 years, you’d think I would have looked into that term a little deeper.  Interesting indeed that this kind of function was given a feminine name.  Even men recognize the need that women have to support and be supported by each other.  To help support………I’ve been doing a lot of traveling lately.  Participating in different types of circles, retreats, journeys, art workshops.  All exclusively with women.  In most ways its refreshing and so healing to be surrounded by all that feminine energy.  To be brought back to my essence.  To circle with kindreds who get it.To learn from each other.  To teach each other.  To acknowledge each other.  To celebrate the beauty within us, and all around us.  And in so doing, to acknowledge the sacred feminine core within us.  I have learned so much in these past couple of months, that I am still processing and digesting.Buoyed by all the positivity.  Ignited by all the wonder and love and passion around me and within me.  I created the most beautiful piece of art that I have ever made.  It really felt like it was just channeling right through me.  My intuitive self was fully released.Ihave been sistered all right!!!!!!!!

But there are infinitely more every-day ways that we are all sistered, if we pay attention.  Dear friends who listen to our woes.  Others who encourage our dreams and aspirations, without envy or negativity.  Acquaintances and neighbors who simply live their lives in gratitude, and therefore spread that feeling all around them.  Female relatives who we help and nurture and protect.  Girls who just wanna have fun!And so in going to these various gatherings, instead of looking at it like I am searching for something, I look at it as though I am just honoring my deepest soul’s yearnings for feminine connection.  Through shared creativity.  Through laughing.  Through being in beauty with others who see what I see.I mean, I live on a ranch out in the country.  I work mostly with men, with wonderful people.  But I, like most women, get so caught up in the day to day, the chores, the deadlines, in all the roles we play (mother, wife, worker, etc.), that we never seem to have time for the girl in us.  And it is essential for our emotional and spiritual health to regularly take time for these gatherings and play dates.  It’s not a luxury.

So the quickest way to get back to that place,that girl’s soul place, is to open your heart to another woman who meets you there in that same place herself.  And you have an automatic friend for life.  A kindred soul.  Who gets you.  

And all is suddenly and again right with the world.  That’s my prescription for world peace.Write more notes.  Send love and beauty to those who live far away.  And to those who live near.  Don’t hold back your love.  Because the more you open up, the more you share it, this amazing world will continue to open wider and wider.  This here is my love note to you.Sisteringis the key.  To unlocking all that ails us.  Don’t you think?

What does SISTERINGmean to you?

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